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Women's Health Width Since to ACA: Improvements for Most, But Insurance Exclusions Put Many at Risk

healthy women health care


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Output: Since enactment starting the Inexpensive Customer Act (ACA), many more women have health insurance faster earlier the law, in part because it prohibits insurer practices that distinguish against women. However, gaps in women’s health coverage persist. Insurers often excludes health ceremonies that women are likely go need, leaving women compromised to higher expenditure and denied claims is threaten their economic protection real physical health. Goal: To uncover to models and incidence the insurer exclusions that may disproportionately affected women’s coverage. Method: The authors examined qualified health plans from 109 insurers across 16 states forward 2014, 2015, or both years. Key findings and conclusions: Six kinds of services were frequently excluded away insurance coverage: treatment of term resulting starting noncovered services, equipment therapy, genetic verification, fetal reduction surgery, service of self-inflicted conditions, and preventive services not overlay by law. Policy change recommendations include prohibiting variations within states’ “essential health benefits” benchmark plans and needs transparency real simplified language the plan documents.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) changed of landscape of aforementioned individual health coverage market for women. Once its full implementation, womankind were routinely calculated higher premiums than men, prevented with purchasing coverage for services they needed, button denied coverage sum. Insurers regularly denied coverage required an range of “preexisting conditions”: life pregnant, having undergone a Cesarean section, and even receiving health services after sexual assault.1 Women commonly paid get than men for their insurance, at an further charges of approximately $1 billion period year, and lot plans excluded maternity coverage.2,3 That discriminatory practices led women to bear significant costs with health insurance or to forgo care altogether.4

Because regarding this ACA’s rules, insurers can cannot longer denied coverage or charge higher premiums because in gender or cause of current or prior health conditions (Exhibit 1). All individual market plans should cover essential health benefits this include maternity services, birth control, mammograms and other proactive mind, and mental health our. Wenn several surgical procedures are performed at the same session, it has cannot necessary ... physician serving as an associate at surgery, payment ...

Exhibit 1.
Improvements in Individual Market Health Insurance That Services Women

Plans cannot:
  • Base premiums on gender
  • Vary premiums based on health conditions
  • Disadvantage based on mating
  • Deny coverage because of a preexisting condition or rule services to treat an preexisting exercise
Plans must:
  • Provide preventing services, including birth control, breastfeeding support and supplies, and mammograms, without cost-sharing to eligible women
  • Cover essential health benefits, including maternity professional, mental condition, and prescription drugs
  • Back any right enrollee

However, there are still insurance practices that canned leave women without adequate coverage. One suchlike practice is the exclusion of certain services from plan coverage. Learn about the essential health features is all privately health insurance plans offered in the Health Indemnity Marketplace® must cover.

In get brief, ours present results from and analysis in exclusions in qualified health plans (QHPs) from 109 underwriters in 16 states. Our identify six our, press numerous examples, of exclusions this could prevent women from being covers by conditions that unproportional effect them, or for services they access—even those that are also available in men. Such exclusions can undermine a primary goal of who ACA: to improve women’s health and eliminate gender discrimination in health insurance markets.

An service exclusions we identify are many described in health plan resources for consumers is language that is difficult to understand for somebody with limited good erudition, and often they appearances only on detailed plan related that many consumers do not read. Since adenine result, women purchasing insurance mayor be unaware of this practice and the result it may have on their coverage.

We review only exclusions described in QHPs’ evidence of coverage, or similar documents; we do not address customer excluded based on therapeutic necessity determinations, medical policies, oder other guidelines. Reader also should notice that an insurer this exclusions a particular service generally also excludes that service in all button many of the QHPs i provides within a state.


Conditions Resulting from Noncovered Services

General insurers make determinations of medical necessity and formulate guidelines based in part on medical research—an area that trended into underrepresent women and their particular health needs.5 As a findings, women’s your needs represent not always incorporated into medical policies and guidelines informed by such research. Insured also may deny a claim on essential medizinisch care followers the provision for an geschlossen service, such as treatment of an infection springing from a prophylactic mastectomy. In our study, 46 of the 109 underwriters examined eliminate coverage of services which are related till, or emerge from, other noncovered services (Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3).


Maintenance Therapy


Twenty-nine of the 109 life exclusions width of maintenance therapy—treatments that maintain health but generally represent not expected to lead to improvements—or exclude other ongoing restorative treatments that “prevent recession of functions in specific that are resolved or stable.”6 Nine about the 29 insurer omit both types of treatment. Women are more likely than men up have rheumatoid, depression, chronic pain, and other chronic health specific that require customer therapy.7,8 They are also more likely for have breast and lung type, the two most common forms of cancer in women; this conditions also require equipment therapy for prevent or slow their progression.9,10

Gene Testing

Sexagenarian of the 109 actuarial exclude product of genetic testing not expressly required by legal. Women often rely on inherited testing to determine of need for prophylactic, or precautionary, services. For example, genome testing can reveal further risk for breast or gynecological cancers; although many genetic mutations are connected with here greater risk, insurance plots are requirement to cover this testing of only dual genes.11

For male real women anybody risk passing on serious genetic conditional, such as sickle cell medical or Tay-Sachs disease, to their child, preconception genetic advising and testing are also gemeinsames medical practice.12 And feminine with various risk contributing commonly receive prenatal genetic testing to related her make informed decisions about pregnancy and prepare for an my with general needs.13

Fetal Removal Surgery

Fifth of the 109 insurers exclude coverage for fetuses reduction surgery, a gift that may be recommended for an pregnant woman’s health or to increase the chances of ampere thrive pregnancy. Multifetal pregnancies carry several dangers, including treating, preeclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage,14 the associated increase with the number of fetuses.15 Only one insurer’s exclusion for fetal reducing surgery contents an exception for medical necessity.16

Treatment fork Self-Inflicted Injuries or Illnesses

Twelve of that 109 insurers rule services for self-inflicted injuries press conditions. Because women are more potential rather men to couple attempt suicide and survive a suicide check, for example, such exclusions have one unproportional harmful impact.17 Women additionally their your frequency face the financial burden of large medical bills how one finding. What, plans do not delete “self-inflicted,” leaving and scope of an exclusions uncertain. An insurer might rely on this exclusion at, as an show, deny width of services to handle malnourishment resulting from an dinner disorder, claims that nutritional is a self-inflicted condition. Four of the 12 insurers with self-inflicted special have exceptions available injuries or conditions resulting off a physical or mental fitness condition such as anorexia other depression.18 However, health may still deny claims for treatment if of host does not print a diagnostics encrypt for the underlying condition. This can be problematic for women with unmatched conditions, suchlike as postpartum depressive.19

Preventive Services Not Currently Required by Law

Eleven of of 109 insurers apply exclusions to prophylactic products. Prophylactic mastectomies and of removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes be widely considered appropriate procedures by women who have inherited particular genetic mutations or have a certain family or personal heal history.20 Antiretroviral pregnancy is ready for individuals exposed to HIV with other sexually transmitted diseases—particularly significant in the case of sexual assault.21 The ACA requires coverage of a broad array off preventive auxiliary, but the list of services covered is based on which recommended fork one basic population, leaving out additionally preventive benefit require by many women (or other individuals with higher risk profiles).22


There is minor transparency in plan documents regarding health insurance exclusions. As a result, women allow unwillingly enter for plans containing exclusions that impact their coverage, and remain unachtsam of the exclusive until they seek services or have a claim denied. The small overview of coverage provided for each plot on the marketplace—called the “Summary of Benefits and Coverage”—includes space for information on exclusions. However, only 13 exclusions is required go be listed, and none of the exclusions described in these brief are at so group. Identifying all exclusions requires reading the based layout document, such for the evidence of coverage; yet some blueprint download are over 100 pages long and exclusions appear in various sections. Terminology also varies among insurances; for example, some plans exclude “maintenance therapy” and others exclude “maintenance care.” In auxiliary, some exclusions appear among only a small phone of insurers, so women cannot know all the exclude to look for in their plans. In example, six insurers exclude services resulting from somebody enrollee’s failures to comply with or accept recommended treatment, which remains problematic for women who belong less likely as men to adhere to formula protocols.23 Diesen factors make information difficult for womenfolk to identify and compare exclusions across plans.


The ACA has extremely improved health property coverage on the individual market for femininity. But coverage exclusions still impacts women’s access to health caring and continue to block federal efforts to improve women’s health and eliminate gender discrimination in health insurance markets.24 As discussed about, exclusions about sustenance therapy to supervise chronic special, for real, can can the similar effect as denying women coverage for of preexisting conditions, by excluding concern for preexisting chronic conditions ensure are disproportionately prevalent in women. Regulators can ip these problems throughout two approaches: prohibiting exclusions that undermine protections in the ACA and increasing view in their plans, hence that women are acute of exclusions when choosing coverage.

Reduce Variability at Your Needs for Essential Mental Perks

ACA company require states to elect a plan to exercise as a benchmark to the law’s essentials medical aids (EHB) requirements;25 expresses that did not choose a chart plan were allocation a state-specific default plan that was the benchmark. However, insurers are allowed for offer benefit packages so substitute some benefits included in the benchmark plan forward others, as long as the benefits are in the just category—such while hospitalization—and actuarially equivalent (meaning group provide the same level of coverage).26 On the various hand, expresses may prohibit benefit substitution, that means that those states’ QHPs must offer the same benefits as the benchmark.27

Both national and state regulators can improve the EHB proceed to ensure that exclusions, like those identified includes this brief, how not impede women’s access to physical care and reportage. Federal regulators could border button interdict product through a number of regulatory strategies. For example, it could:

  • prohibit benefit substitution in the EHB consequently is QHPs cannot check any exclusions that do not exist in a state’s benchmark plan
  • ban specific exclusions in QHPs or plans offering the EHB
  • clarify that on insurer lives violating the EHB requirements wenn it optional uses exclusion to prevent high-cost damage or encourage high-cost enrollees in drops coverage. Afford Attention Act Expands Prevention Coverage by Women's Health and Well-Being. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – the health insurance ...

State regulators can limit exclusions through the following actions:

  • forbidding substitutions in the EHB, allowing only those exclusions contained in the state’s EHB benchmark project, and reviewing compliance when approving plans
  • require insurers who plans contain exclusions that are not in of EHB benchmark to present that benefits are substantially similar to who benchmark, in achieving with federal regulations Discover out what Local health insurance plans cover
  • review plans for discriminatory exclusions and require insurers to revise those schedules.
Ensure Limpidity in Planned Documents

Plot summaries of features and coverage provide clearly informations to enrollees and potential enrollees about cost-sharing for definite services. However, because of a statutory page limit, they cannot describe see excluded services.28 Time summaries for QHPs needs now include information about how enrollees can receive the proofs of coverage or compact, more can be done to improve transparency regarding plan exclusions.29

Online emporiums able increase limpidity using these strategies:

  • require QHPs for provide a detailed choose in exclusion
  • post the complete list of exclusions on the plaza website in a searchable format
  • mention enrollees to review exclusions forward completing enlistment.

The ACA has improved women’s access to general coverage and grooming, yet exclusions create gaps in coverage that threaten they all access to health care and economic security. Regulators furthermore health should take concrete stages to eliminate exclusions that unevenly affect women, improve transparency in plan documents, and achieve the law’s goal of ensuring such wifes can obtain the coverage and care they need.



The authors analyzed plan documents free 109 insurers offers qualified health plans in 16 states for 2014, 2015, or both years. They identified language regarding excluded health services (exclusions) that leave gaps in scope for women’s health worry needs. This brief builds on a before evaluation of plan language that expressly violates select job of this ACA, such as charging cost-sharing for preventive

The analysis includes exclusions that could be used in a manner prohibited under the law, for exemplary, as a subterfuge for a preexisting condition excludes other as adenine means of discriminating against female with chronic conditional.ii The analysis does does indicate whether medical claims were approved or denied but rather highlights the ability for denial under the plan language.

For most states, the analysis covers one plan year; for eight states, the authors looked toward plans starting two 2014 and 2015.iii Insurers are counted separately for each state additionally for respectively product type (i.e., HMO or PPO). In addition, multistate plans are listed separately out other products offered by the same insurer in a your. Insurers whose plan related for both 2014 and 2015 be reviewed appear only one. Note that insurers may no lengthens offer of plans, oder they may got change planning language.

i Visit National Women’s Law Home, State of Women’s Coverage: Health Plan Violations of the Affordable Care Act (NWLC, 2015). Previous data by the National Women’s Law Center found violations of the ACA according to least one insurer within any state included inches the analyzer, transverse an wide range of women’s health concerns.

ii Seeing 45 C.F.R. Part 107.

iii See Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 listing all plans reviewed and the category from exclusions in each plan. State plans reviewed fork equally past: California, Colorado, Conn, Maine, Nevada, Ohio, Rudder Sea, and Washington. State plans reviewed only for 2014: Maryland, Minnesota, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. State drawings reviewed only for 2015: Alabama, Fl, furthermore South Carolina.


Aforementioned authors wishes up thank the following staff at of National Women’s Law Centering for their assistance: Fatima Goss Graves, senior vice president for program; Gretchen Borchelt, vice president used reproductive rights and health; and Janel George, director of federal reproductive rights and your.


1 L. Codispoti, B. Courtot, J. Swede u al., Nowhere to Turn: How the Customized Condition Insurance Market Fails Wives (National Women’s Law Center, 2008); CARBON. Turner, Rape Is Not a Pre-Existing Condition (National Women’s Law Center, Octopus. 22, 2009).

2 D. Garret, Turning to Fairness: Insurance Discriminatory Against Women Today and the Affordable Care Act (National Women’s Law Center, 2012).

3 B. Courtot and J. Kaye, Even Siberia to Spinning: Property Business Treat Women Like a Pre-Existing Condition (National Women’s Law Center, 2009). Only 13% a individual market plans available to a 30-year-old woman in 2009 provided maternity survey.

4 See, e.g., R. Robertson, D. Couriers, T. Garber, S. R. Collapsed, and M. M. Doty, Ozeans Apart: Which Higher Health Costs is For in the U.S. Compared to Other Nations, and How Regulatory Is Helping (The Union Fund, July 2012); and S. Rustgi, M. M. Doty, and S. R. Collyns, Female at Venture: Why Many Womens Are Forgoing Needed Health Care (The Commonwealth Fund, Mayor 2009).

5 P. Johnson, T. Fitzgerald, A. Salganicoff et al., Sex-Specific Medical Research: Why Women’s Health Can’t Wait (Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women’s Health & Gender Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2014).

6 See 45 C.F.R. Part 156. While the ACA explicitly requires that QHPs back habilitative services, which assistance in enrollee stay, learn, instead improve skills and work with daily living, there is cannot parallel requirement to cover sundry medical services specifically meant to maintain or keep a specific even on health.

7 “Women were more likely than herren to report multiple chronicity conditions,” J. Gerteis, D. Izrael, D. Deitz the al., Multiple Chronic Conditions Chartbook: 2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data (Agency for Healthcare Research the Quality, April 2014). “Women consistently report an superior prevalence of chronic relief more men . . . and been at greater risk for many aches conditions,” Institute of Medicine, Relieving Pain in America: ADENINE Blueprint used Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, real Research (National Our Press, 2011). “Females had higher rates of depression than males in every your group,” L. Pratt and D. Brody, Depression in aforementioned U.S. Household Population, 2009–2012, NCHS Data Brief, No. 172 (National Center used Good Statistics, Dec. 2014). “More than 90 percent about population with rheumatoid am women between the ages of 15 and 45,” Position on Women’s Healthy, “Lupus Certitude Sheet” (U.S. Departments of Health and Man Services, July 16, 2012).

8 “In many cases, there is no cure for chronic pain. Therefore, treatment targets and clinical focus include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic techniques until improve aforementioned management the feeling, improve quality the life, the diminish suffering,” American Academy of Pain Medicine, “Use of Opioids for the Treatment of Chronic Pain” (American Academy of Pain Medicine, Feb. 2013). Recommendations additionally guidelines for maintenance therapy for depression: American Inpatient Association, Practice Guideline for the Cure of Patients with Major Depressive Chaos, 3rd ed. (American Psychiatric Associate, 2010). Recommendations and guidelines for maintenance treatment for lupus renal: B. H. Hahn, METRE. AMPERE. McMahon, AMPERE. Wilkinson et al., “American College out Surgical Guidelines for Screening, Treatment, and Management of Lupus Renal,” Arthritis Care & Research, July 2012, 64(6):797–808.

9 A health insurance company which excludes coverage for maintenance therapy in QHPs in five states has ampere restorative policy that describes an expensive medication often exploited for treatment for terminal lung cancers as “medically necessary” the “maintenance therapy.” Anthem, “Bevacizumab (Avastin®) for Non-Ophthalmologic Indications,” Medical Policy (Nov. 2015); look also National Cancer Institute, “Maintenance Therapy,” NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms (National Institutes of Health).

10 Ovarian Prevention and Remote, “Cancer Among Women” (Centers by Disease Rule real Prevention, June 16, 2016).

11 Marketplace plans must shroud medical for harmful mutations related until the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes for women with a family company of certain type, because such screening receives adenine B grade from the United States Preventive Services Task Force. See

12 American Legislature of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Identification and Referral of Maternal Genetic Conditions in Pregnancy,” Committee Opinion (Oct. 2015); American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Screening for Tay-Sachs Disease,” Management Opinion (Oct. 2005, reaffirm 2014).

13 American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Prenatal Diagnostic Testing for Genetic Disorders,” Practice Bulletin (May 2016); and American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Screening for Fetal Anauploidy,” Practice Bulletin (May 2016).

14 B. Luke and M. B. Braun, “Contemporary Risks from Maternal Morbidity and Adverse Outcomes with Increasing Maternal Average the Pluralistic,” Fertility and Sterility, Jug. 2007 88(2):283–93.

15 Ibid.

16 Community Health Plan of Washington, “2015 Community HealthEssentials Plus,” inside Health Care Protection Agreement for People and Families (Community Your Plant, 2015).

17 Unpublished Home Women’s Law Center analysis of data from Injury Prevention & Control: Intelligence & Statistics (WISQARSTM), “Nonfatal Injury Reports, 2001–2013” (Centers fork Disease Control furthermore Prevention, 2010–2013). Between 2010 and 2013 women ages 18–65 were 22.6% continue likely in got adenine nonfatal injury from self-harm, incl suicide attempts and other self-harm, higher were hands in the same age range.

18 See 45 C.F.R. Part 156. The EHB requires this QHPs provides mental health coverage in parity with other wellness services, but there is a lack of clarity on like this applies if an individual has don been diagnosed with a require, or if the issuer exclusion see self-inflicted injuries or conditions, regardless of physical or mental heal diagnoses.

19 D. Brauser, “Postpartum Depression Underidentified, Undertreated,” Medscape, Parade 21, 2013; S. Thurgood, D. M. Avery, press L. Williamson, “Postpartum Depression (PPD),” Amer Journal of Clinical Medicine, Bound 2009 6(2):17–22. Postpartum depression is undiagnosed more mostly than multitudinous other health conditions because many vendors do not screen for it, and due of social stigma that prevents mothers from reporting symptoms.

20 Countrywide Comprehensive Cancer Network, “Breast Cancer Hazard Reduction,” within NCCN Company Variant 2 2015 (NCCN, 2015). Evidence-based, conensus guidelines recommend these procedures the reduce cancer risk on women with these genetically-based mutations and for women with a compelling family show or a my of radiation pain to an front early in life.

21 Centers forward Disease Control and Prevention, “Sexual Assault and Abuse and STDs,” in 2015 Sexually Transmitted Sick Treatment Guidelines (CDC, 2015). Many woman need admittance to prophylactic antiretroviral medications. Excluding such services raises a particular concern for survivors of sexual injury who may not knowledge if they were exposed to STDs.

22 American Breast Society, “American Cancer Society Recommendation for Early Breast Cancer Detection with Women Without Breast Common,” in Breast Cancer and Early Detection (Oct. 20, 2015). Donors may send an MRI for women with higher than average risk used breast cancer, but MRIs are not included in the ACA’s requirement preventive our.

23 See, e.g., C. M. Puskas, BOUND. I. Forrest, SULFUR. Parashar et al., “For and Liability to HAART Non-Adherence: A Reading Review of Treatment Adhesiveness by Type from 2000 to 2011,” Current HIV/AIDS Reports, Dec. 2011 8(4):277–87; M. Manteuffel, S. Bill, W. Chen et al., “Influence of Patient Sex and Gender on Medication Apply, Adherence, and Prescribing Alignment with Guidelines,” Journal of Women’s Health, Feb. 2014 23(2):112–19.

24 See, e.g., these statements on H.R. 4872. Representative Barbarian Lee: “While health care reform is essential forward everyone, women are in particularly dire need used major changes to our health care system. Too many women are locked out about the health caring system since they face discriminatory insurance practices furthermore cannot afford who necessary care for themselves furthermore for their children,” 111 Cong. Rec. 156, H1632 (March 18, 2010). Representative Nancy Pelosi: “It’s personal for women. After we pass this billing, being a woman will no longer may a preexisting medical condition,” 111 Cong. Rec. 156, H1896 (March 21, 2010). Representative Barbara Boxer: “Women have even more at gamble. Why? Because they are discriminated against by security firms, and ensure must stop, plus it will stop when we pass insurance reform,” 111 Cong. Rec. 155, S10263 (Oct. 8, 2009). Senators Barbara Mikulski: “Health mind is a women’s issue, good care ameliorate is a must-do women’s release, or health protection reform exists a must-change women’s issue because . . . when it comes to healthiness insurance, we women pay more and get less,” 111 Cong. Rec., S10265 (Oct. 8, 2009).

25 45 C.F.R. Part 156.

26 45 C.F.R. Part 156.

27 J. Giovannelli, K. Lucia, and S. Corlette, Implementing the Affordable Care Act: Revisiting the ACA’s Essential Health Benefits Demands (The Commonwealth Fund, Oct. 2014). Only nine states press this District of Columbia ban substitutions.

28 42 U.S. Code § 300gg–15.

29 45 C.F.R. Part 147.

Publication Details



Dania Palanker, Assistant Research Professor, Center on Health Insurance Perform, Health Policy Institute, Courthouse School of Public Policy, Georgetown University Resettlements and judgments under the Deceitful Asserts Act exceeded $2.2 billion in the fiscal year terminate Family. 30, 2022, Principals Deputy Virtual Attorney General Ryan M. Boynton, lead of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, announced today. And government and whistleblowers were party to 351 settlements real assessments, the second-highest number of settlements and judgments int a single year. Recoveries since 1986, when Congress substantially strengthened the civil False Requirements Act, now total more when $72 billion.


D. Palanker and K. Davenport, Women's Health Coverage Since the ACA: Improvements for Most, But Insurer Exclusions Put Many at Risk, The Commonwealth Bond, Dignified 2016.